Tuesday, 2 October 2007

RCSI Dublin Research Position

A position has become available at the National Surgical Training Centre, RCSI, Dublin for a research fellow. Broadly speaking, the research project is about the application of virtual reality simulation to surgical training.

This research is with a view to earning an MD degree. It would be ideal for a trainee awaiting a HST position in general surgery.

Read the full job specification.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Best Evidence

The first in a series of articles describing the best evidence around for various medical treatment options.

Best Evidence at Surgeons Net

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Some news updates

There is a job transfer scheme that has been put in place for people that are able to organise a swap between regions. I.e. if there is someone who for good reason wants to work in your assigned region and you want to go to their's then a region transfer can occur.

More info on the Surgeons Net main site

Also the RCS Eng president as released a letter addressing us with the latest on MTAS, surgical outcome data and the EWTD

Read the full letter on the main Surgeons Net site

Monday, 21 May 2007

The Tooke Inquiry

Go and visit the Tooke MMC inquiry website to make your voice heard about MMC. This is an independent inquiry and it is important that we make our views heard.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

MTAS security breach story breaks

Channel Four News has just broken the story on a massive security breach on the MTAS website. It seems that some clever bod over at MTAS IT thought he / she could get away creating a secret URL for the download of information from the MTAS site. Security by obscurity as it's known. This URL however, it seems became public knowledge!

The data contained names, addresses and phone numbers. But also included sexual orientation and details of criminal records and references!!

I can not understand why anyone would need to have a download of all this data available, but if you are going to do that then using such a poor security model is madness.

Unfortunately, this kind of ineptitude is just the sort of thing we see daily in the NHS and is why I think the organisation fails. Lets just hope that none of this information got into the wrong hands.

Monday, 23 April 2007

New Gastro-oesophageal reflux tutorial

I have just posted a new tutorial to our site on gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. It has been written my a upper GI consultant surgeon called Mr Menezes from Ashford and St Peter's Hospital.

We have also recently started designing and hosting websites for surgeons and his site is the first. Take a look at the Gallstone and Relux Clinic Site and if you are interested in having a site designed then get in touch.

Eponymous Surgery

We have posted a new article on eponymous surgical signs and symptoms. Always useful to some of these for bonus marks.

If you have any others to add then please contribute.

Thursday, 5 April 2007

RCSEng President statement on transitional training posts

The president of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Wales has released a statement following the meeting of the review group on MTAS with regard to surgeons. He says that it has been agreed that there needs to be special consideration for surgical trainees and that a transition post arangement will be put in place.


Monday, 2 April 2007

The ludicrous nature of choose and book

I had a good one in clinic today.

A patient was being seen by a different speciality at a hospital 20 miles down the road and they diagnose a hernia. Firstly, they have to refer him back to his GP to get an out-patient appointment with a general surgeon. When the gentleman gets to his GP the choose and book system doesn't list his local hospital! So believe it or not he can't "choose" his local hospital 6 miles from his home and he ends up with us.

This is clearly nonsense for the patient, but I also wonder what the carbon footprint of this is?

Saturday, 31 March 2007

Saturday, 24 March 2007

MTAS rescue survey

ASiT are asking for your opinion on how to go forward on selection of surgical trainees following the MTAS collapse. Please respond to the survey and make your opinion heard!

Friday, 9 March 2007

New tutorial on Appendicitis

We have published the first in a series of new articles aimed at ST surgical trainees. This one is on appendicitis and is to be followed by topics including hernia, lower limb ischaemia and colorectal cancer so keep checking back.

If there are topics you think you could contribute then please contact us with details.

The government and the Royal College of Surgeons have agreed a rescue plan for the massively flawed MTAS system. But this will only be for surgical trainees.

Read the full story

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Government Review of MTAS

A review of the whole MTAS system has been announced today.

Read the full story on Surgeons Net

The shadow Shadow Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley has said:

"The Government has waited until thousands of junior doctors were in
despair about their career before they understood the need for
action. They have badly mishandled the recruitment process."

"We called for the process to take account of the large number of
junior doctors requiring posts this year. The Government clearly
failed to do so even though they promised sufficient places last year."

"This review must now be rapid. It must consider whether additional
training places should be provided and it must allow for thousands of
junior doctors from the UK who have not received first round"
interviews to be considered afresh in the second round.

Monday, 5 March 2007

West Midlands Deanery Cancels ST3 Interviews

The West Midland deanery has cancelled all ST interviews today after the resignation of the interview team.
I have posted the full statement http://www.surgeons.org.uk/latest-news/official-west-midlands-deanery-statement.html

I actually, think this is a real shame. The assumption though out this MTAS mess is that the wrong people have been selected. I personally think that they should have continued with the interview process and if those short-listed didn't come up to scratch then they should not have appointed and the posts not filled. Yes, lots of good people haven't been short-listed, but does that automatically mean that none of the short-listed candidates were right either?

Early Day Motion 737

I posted earlier on Surgeons Net about the recent round of MTAS recruitment.

Well there are a number of MPs that have taken up the cause too, angered by the rushed implementation of the MMC changes. It is true to say that the old system may have required revision. However, there has been no pilot or validation of the new system and there appear to be examples of inequaties all over the place. Even if the new system has selected out the right people it has created disillusionment and a further drop in moral. Write to your local MP and get them to support this motion too.

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Try 8 hours before 24 hours Mr Blair

Various papers (The Times, The Sun are just two)reported a story of Mr Blair's and Ms Hewitt's plan of 24 hour operating in NHS theatres. This is to try and reach the target of reducing waiting times to 18 weeks.

This is exactly the sort of thing that shows just how disconnected the government is from real life. The current situation in the NHS is that you have to have your operation within 6 months, but cash strapped PCTs and trust are delaying operations on financial grounds so that there are minimum waits in place. Often these are minimum
waits of 5 months!! So theatres lie idle at the moment and they want to extend the idle time by three times. How can this possibly make sense.

And who is going to staff these 24 hour theatre sessions and how is this going to be funded. I have rarely done a theatre list where a patient hasn't been cancelled for administrative reasons. The NHS hasn't even sorted out how to use 8 hours efficiently, forget about 24.

It's all my wife's fault

I was actually going to title the blog "It's all my wife's fault"

Now I am not talking about everything, just why I'm here. I think she has had enough of me coming home and moaning about the various problems within the NHS and one day she said why don't you start a blog about it. Hence I'm here.

I also run a Surgical Website and so thought I would kill two birds with one stone and publish my progress in developing that too.